From the Front Lines

I have lived life up close and personal with Canadian politicians. I first interviewed an Alberta premier, Don Getty, in the men’s room of a hotel in 1985. I went drinking with Liberal Leader Laurence Decore in 1993 – in a four-seat Cessna 172 flying over Taber.

And I was singled out by Ralph Klein at the 2006 Premiers’ Conference when he vowed to never speak to me again. Yes. I’ve had a long and interesting career covering Alberta politics. But I’ve done other things, too.

I have met brave women in Kandahar who attended a secret classroom to learn to read and write despite Taliban threats. I have witnessed a man die by lethal injection in Texas. I have stood under a starry winter night in Lebanon and listened to the artillery shells fall on Damascus. I have had tea with Syrian refugees who insisted sharing what meagre food they had in a makeshift tent.

I have been punched, threatened, cursed, spat on, had rockets fired in my general direction, and I have shared it all with Albertans.

“We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.”

Marshall McLuhan

Over the last 30 years, I have been a journalist covering stories in Canada, visiting every province and every territory. But I have also at times travelled the world, bearing witness to the heights of our shared humanity and the depths of our common cruelty.

Every time I returned home I was thankful we settle our political differences with ballots, not bombs, yet keenly aware of how the world was changing and how our political leaders were struggling to keep up.

I am not the one to tell Albertans which road to take. I am the one who can explain how we got here and describe what the road ahead might look like depending on which path we take.

– Graham Thomson,
G. Thomson Ink

Graham’s Journey Continues

Speaker. Commentator. Moderator.

Graham is a major figure in Alberta media and is sought after as a conference speaker and panellist to bring his uncanny understanding of politics to a broad range of audiences.

Graham writes weekly columns for the CBC and iPolitics as well as a monthly column for Alberta Views Magazine. He appears every week on CBC Radio Active in Edmonton and on CBC The Homestretch in Calgary. Graham is also a regular on political panels with CBC Television in Edmonton and Calgary, and with PrimeTime on CTV. He can often be heard explaining what’s happening in Alberta on national radio and television programs, including The Current and Power and Politics.

Contact Graham

"CIVIX has been lucky to have Graham Thomson as our host and moderator for Alberta provincial politics panel discussions at three of our 'Democracy Bootcamp' civic education events. Graham understood our unique audience of educators, and tailored his questions and commentary to create an engaging and enjoyable discussion. Graham's panels always receive rave reviews in our post-event attendee surveys, and he will definitely be our first choice for similar events in the future."

Dan Allan, CIVIX

"It was a pleasure to have Graham speak to our members at our Spring Municipal Leaders’ Caucus. He provided compelling insight, wit, and factual background and analysis to the ever-changing provincial political scene. Our members appreciated his frank commentary and rated his contribution to our political panel extremely well."

Dan Rude, CEO, AUMA

"The Alberta Teachers’ Association has regularly engaged Graham to offer presentations to our members and to sit on panel discussions related to politics in Alberta. These range from more general sessions with classroom teachers at events like teachers’ convention, through to discussions with our top executive leadership at strategic planning retreats. Graham can always be counted on to be a respected and popular choice for any event. I can’t think of anyone in the province whose insight and analysis into Alberta politics I trust more than Graham Thomson."

Jonathan Teghtmeyer, The Alberta Teachers’ Association

"Because of Graham’s careful and objective analysis of all subjects he has written on, I have asked him to speak several times at our annual conference. He is always well prepared, his research thorough, well organized and well presented. Graham demonstrates knowledge about the environment, about federal and provincial politics and about public interest and concerns related to these subjects. I highly recommend Graham as a keynote speaker, a panelist and as a commentator."

David Lloyd, Alberta Institute of Agrologists

"Graham was well received by our membership. He provided an erudite, engaging and entertaining overview of the Alberta political scene. His presentation enabled our members to gain fundamental knowledge into the workings of government and the inner workings of Alberta’s political parties. We look forward to receiving his ongoing political oversight in future presentations."

Brian Callaghan, Public School Board Association of Alberta

Graham Thomson is an Edmonton-based political commentator.

He is best known as a writer for the Edmonton Journal where he spent 25 years, almost all of them helping readers make sense of Alberta politics. Graham quit The Journal in September of 2018. But he did not quit the news media.

He is still writing about politics, still analyzing, still opining, still thanking politicians for providing so much humour.

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Graham has two daughters, two sons-in-law, three grandchildren, and one Wheaten Terrier.

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