OPINION | Classrooms, controversy and COVID: How can government safely reopen schools?

The good news: Alberta schools will resume in-class learning in September. The bad news: Alberta schools will resume in-class learning in September. For Alberta parents of school age children, this fall will be an emotional tug-of-war between relief at getting the kids back in school and anxiety about their safety. Not helping matters are the conflicting messages from politicians.


OPINION | Kenney ignoring teachers’ pension fears after AIMCo’s $4-billion ‘blunder’

Premier Jason Kenney is fluent in both of Canada’s official languages. Yet he can’t seem to communicate with Alberta’s teachers. That became evident this week when Kenney and the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) butted heads yet again over the government’s investment arm, the Alberta Investment Management Corporation, commonly known as AIMCo. The government is forcing the teachers’ $18-billion pension fund,…