BLOG / Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Deja Vu-doo

Premier Jason Kenney doesn’t talk a lot about former-premier Ed Stelmach, probably because Stelmach wasn’t a particularly successful premier. Stelmach tried to raise royalties on energy companies, tried to erase the infrastructure deficit created by Ralph Klein, and tried to take human-induced climate change seriously.  However, Kenney did mention Stelmach on July 10 when holding a news conference to announce…


OPINION | Kenney not slowing whirlwind pace of major legislative changes

Since being elected last year, the government of Premier Jason Kenney has introduced legislation to undermine the power of labour unions, remove environmental protection on sand-extraction pits, and set up a Crown corporation to attract investment to Alberta. Come to think of it, that was just Tuesday this week.


OPINION / Kenney’s recovery plan neither bold nor ambitious

Depending on who you ask, this week’s recovery plan for Alberta’s economy is either a bold and ambitious plan or a hackneyed and desperate gamble. As far as Premier Jason Kenney is concerned, he is investing in infrastructure, introducing “job creation” tax cuts, establishing a new investment agency, and targeting incentives to create jobs. But, to his critics, he’s gambling…


Pandemic Politics: Jason Kenney, socialist?

Pop Quiz! What do you call a government that runs up record deficits, intervenes in the marketplace, restricts people’s movements and pays workers to stay home?a. Socialistb. Communistc. New Democraticd. LiberalIn Alberta, the answer is “none of the above.” Or, put another way: United Conservative.


OPINION | Jason Kenney likes referendums. Here’s why you shouldn’t

What’s the plural form of referendum? Is it referendums or referenda? It doesn’t really matter. Using either doesn’t change the fact that a referendum is, politically speaking, an optical illusion. It gives the appearance of direct democracy at its purest. After all, everybody gets one vote.