Can Jason Kenney win over new U.S. investors with an old sales pitch?

For Alberta premiers it is the pilgrimage: The business trip to the United States. Premiers have been doing it for the past 50 years, all with cap-in-hand and all pretty much singing the same slogan: “Alberta is open for business.” Now it’s Jason Kenney’s turn. This week he travelled to New York where he spoke with business reporters, made a speech to…


Opinion | MacKinnon report gives Kenney roadmap for Klein-style cuts

Reading the sky-is-falling report from the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta’s Finances should give you a dreaded feeling of deja vu. The report — and the rhetoric surrounding it — sound remarkably similar to the political arguments made by then-premier Ralph Klein 25 years ago to invoke massive cuts to government spending and services. Back then Klein summed up the state…